Monday 27 August 2007

The Week Ahead

On Thursday 30th the Queens Head application for a variation in their premises licence will be determined by a licensing sub-committee at 10am in the chamber of the borough offices at Angel Hill. Members of the public may attend.

The application seeks to extend the hours of opening from 23.00 to 00.20 on Sundays, from 00.00 to 00.20 Mondays to Wednesdays, and from 00.00 to 01.20 Thursday to Saturdays.

In my capacity as local ward councillor I shall be representing 11 interested parties (neighbouring residents) at the hearing, under the provisions of the Licensing Act 2003 Guidance. This allows local councillors, if they wish and are instructed, to represent residents. However, I do not believe it has been used in St Edmundsbury before, so it may be a first for us all.

On Saturday 1st September I shall be at my regular surgery in Bury library from 10am - noon. Why not drop in?


Picklesmum said...

Do they make you sit at the bottom of the stairs or do you get the conference room? Wouldn't trust sitting there, someone might drop something on your head! Probably be another councillor doing the dropping too!

Councillor Paul Farmer said...

Yes, No, Yes - but who???

Picklesmum said...

LOL!! I can think of one or two! Not me though. I like your "yes but no but" you sound like Vicky Pollard!

Anonymous said...

A member of the public interested in council activities and well known in Bury seriously urged us to sit away from there for that very reason.