Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Southgate Street update:

Since this site meeting the council has been approached by a manufacturer about a solar powered reactive sign - which they are now coming to demonstrate to officers in a couple of weeks. I understand that this may be a way around the county council's concerns about the increasing costs of energy for street lights where signs are fixed to them. The cost of providing a power supply can also be significant.

If this equipment seems attractive (and it's a big "if"), Southgate Street would be a candidate for using it - assuming the sun shines there enough! "SID"(the county council mobile reactive speed sign) is going to visit the street - this will also provide good feedback on what is happening, as this device records the speed of all traffic which passes.

Don't hold your breath Southgate Street residents, especially since the equipment would have to be approved by the county council too. But it does show we are still trying to find ways of improving the situation.


Anonymous said...

Excellent progress Paul. Glad you are on the case, Lets hope SID is positioned for at least a week to gain a true picture and timing of the problem.
As to power there is a post half way down the downhill section on the right, with power which might work as a tempory measure.
No doubt there are other possibilities as well.

Now who on the country council do we need to "get onside".

Anonymous said...

Paul, thanks for keeping plugging away at this problem. Lets hope you are successful in the end.
Now if we could only stop the police cars switching their sirens on just as they get under my bedroom window......
They scare the life out of you when you are awoken from a deep sleep, and I haven't got a heart problem-yet.

Charlotte Howard said...

Thanks for your support both. It's an uphill struggle!

Anonymous said...

Paul, on the subject of Southgate Street again, we have a dodgy drain outside our house which clunks dreadfully every car that drives over it, which is just about every car that drives down the street. This week it has been sprayed blue. Does this mean the council have taken note of it in some way and are going to do something about it? If so how long do these things take to get done? How long is the proverbial piece of string? If this blue paint is not the councils work, who do I get in touch with to report the fault? Or is it a secret device to count cars and their speed down the street?

Councillor Paul Farmer said...

I suspect the blue paint means that someone is going to do something about it - it may be the council or one of the utilities. If nothing happens after a while contact me.

Councillor Paul Farmer said...

See my blog for info about SID.