Thursday 28 June 2007

Victoria Street area Parking - & Chalk Road

Chalk Road
I am now able to release information about the Zone H residents parking permit scheme, following the recent consultation about whether it should be made permanent. 86% of those that responded were in favour of the scheme being made permanent, 13% against and 1% didn’t indicate any preference. As a consequence of the above results the scheme will be made permanent. As the person who pioneered it from 2003 I am obviously delighted.

80% of those that responded agreed that the four limited waiting spaces at the Risbygate Street end of Albert Street should be made available to permit holders. A majority also indicated a preference for 50 visitor vouchers to be made available to each household annually. These changes will be included in the scheme.

Residents in Chalk Road and in Kings Road (cemetery end) have also been consulted about participating in the scheme and about adding spaces to it in those streets. The result of those individual consultations is that they will be included and spaces added but that the new spaces in Chalk Road are to be introduced for a trial period and monitored, as there is some concern about safety because the road at that point, although a no-through road, is quite narrow. However, Chalk Road residents will certainly be able to buy permits in order to park in Victoria Street, Albert Street or Albert Crescent. This is something I have been pushing for, and again I am delighted it will now happen.

I am pleased that officers have been able to address most of the concerns raised with them by the local community about parking during the day. The council aims to keep the permit prices as low as possible but the policy is for residents parking schemes to be self-financing. The charge covers set up costs, administration and enforcement.

It is expected that the scheme, with the proposed changes, will be introduced on 1 September 2007. In the meantime old permits and vouchers will remain valid as long as they are displayed correctly.


Picklesmum said...

Spooky, I was just checking your page to ask you about permit parking in Victoria STREET (not ROAD) and you have kindly answered my question already!!
Road indeed! TUT TUT.

Councillor Paul Farmer said...

Oh dear, Picklesmum. Thank you for pointing this out - now corrected. Too much posting and not enough attention to detail.

I do get a bit muddled with all my roads, streets, crescents, places, rises, courts, hills, lanes, squares, walks, mews, gardens, terraces, ways, meadows, greens, fields, houses, rows, etc. You can see a full list (if you're really bored)on the page "About Abbeygate".

I thought you were a country girl, not a townie - or amI further muddled?

Councillor Paul Farmer said...

What I forgot to say is that I've already been ticked off by a SEBC officer this morning for not using a more up to date photograph of Chalk Road (think that's right) with the yellow lines refreshed. It's being "dressed" soon so I shall wait until then to replace the pics.

Picklesmum said...

I was a townie for 28 years until I was dragged kicking and screaming to the country. Still a townie at heart. My parents still live in Victoria Street (they know you) and I was curious about permit parking, as it is so much easier to visit them since it was introduced.

Councillor Paul Farmer said...

Oops! Better be careful what I say to you in future, Picklesmum.