Sunday, 15 July 2007

Please remove!

This old ugly tank has been in a ditch by the "Butts" footpath near Almoners Field for as long as I can remember. Now that the border between the footpath and new development is being tidied up I am asking the Council to remove it.
Watch this space...
Monday update: Waste Management will carry out a risk assessment on the tank's removal, and if satisfactory will go ahead...keep watching...


Anonymous said...

this whole stretch of the footpath up to the metal bridge needs a thorough clean out.
who`s responsible for this.

Councillor Paul Farmer said...

The "riparian owners", of which there are several, are responsible for the watercourses. The council is assessing the cost of a clean-up before approaching them with a request to resource this.

Anonymous said...

Paul - is this the same stretch of water that was the subject of a petition some time back or somewhere different? I don't know the topography in the area.

Councillor Paul Farmer said...

Topography? I just know it as "The Butts" (see Ruby's blog) along Cullum Road on the GK side. See my latest post for more pictures.

Councillor Paul Farmer said...

I've just walked there to see if it's been removed, but it's still there. I have chased waste management, and told them that had my wife not been with me (to do a "risk assessment") I would have tried pulling it out myself!