Monday, 9 July 2007

Leylandi: useful screen or oppresive hedge?

Today I visited someone who had asked me to help with a Leylandi problem. I explained that there was little that I could do, and that for the Council to be involved under the High Hedge legislation she would need to demonstrate that she has sought mediation. Even then it would cost over £300 to get the Council's view, which might not be the view (excuse the pun) she wanted.

I also spoke to her next door neighbour, who much appreciates the screening effect of this hedge in relation to the buildings behind it. He only wants it trimmed a little at the top, not cut by half as much as is above the fence, as his neighbour does.

I shall write to the owner of the hedge (who I am told is very co-operative), suggesting it is cut to two lengths according to the neighbours' wishes; but I have told both not to hold their breath!


Anonymous said...

I should think you have enough to do Paul without pandering to people who can't agree on what they want. I don't suppose the person you are writing to will be any more impressed than I am!

Anonymous said...

Paul - advise your elector that Marlows in Hollow Road have some excellent products.