As usual I shall be holding a surgery with my fellow borough councillor Richard Rout this Saturday from 10 - noon. I am already expecting some Whiting Street residents, concerned about the Batt House (YMCA) application for a new building and increased accommodation. I also expect there will be some more people from Mill or Kings Roads, wanting to know what is happening about the development around the Hanchets former site.
Why don't you drop in, just for a chat about anything?
Paul - does everyone know that your surgery is held in the Bury Library off St Johns Street?
What IS happening to old Hanchets site? Picklesgrandma wondering as it's just up the road from them? More houses no doubt. Shame they've only recently had spare parking spaces outside their house since permits introduced. More houses will mean more people parking there.
Thank you David. I apparently and rather stupidly assumed that in the post.
PM - PGM's answer can be found in an earlier post.
Yes, parking will be a big concern, but fortunately PGM has the protection of the residents' parking scheme.
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